Friday, April 6, 2007

Opening Reception

Please join us for our opening reception on Friday April 6th from 5-8pm in partnership with Tazza Cafe. See right for location, map, and directions.

Friday, March 16, 2007


The Rhode Island School of Design is pleased to announce

[Re]viewing: City is an event designed to exhibit works of art that re-frame, re-invent, re-present, and re-investigate evolving ideas of City in our global culture. This exhibit features the voices of youth, emerging and professional artists, as well as RISD students to produce a dialogue that begins with Providence and beyond. Works by community agencies and partners include paintings, photographs, furniture, performances, installations, preservation and historical objects, lectures, and symposium presentations for targeted and diverse audiences in the greater Providence area. Come join this critical discourse that includes work from over 15 communities across the State of RI!

[Re] viewing: City is an initiative of the Office of Public Engagement at the Rhode Island School of Design.